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FastLane Z3 SCSI-II Controller
by Ian A. Clark
The Z3 FastLane is a Zorro III Fast SCSI-II DMA controller for the A3000 or
A4000 with transfer rates of approximately 7MB/sec Asynchronous and
10MB/sec synchronous operation. It will support devices with SCSI, SCSI-II
and Fast SCSI-II interfaces. It also has provision for up to 64MB memory
(256MB as an option) in the form of standard 30-pin SIMM modules. RAM
speeds supported are 60, 80 or 100ns. It is compatible with Buster
revisions -09, -10 or -11.
For fitting inside the A4000/040 with version 3.0 68040 processor boards, a
74FCT240 clock driver chip is also provided. This replaces the original
74FCT244 chip at position U103 on the motherboard, directly under the
processor daughter-board.
For fitting inside the A3000, the Buster revision level MUST be -09 or
Software is also provided, on a single floppy, in the form of Workbench and
CLI utilities for configuration and control of SCSI devices, a CDROM
filesystem and a memory cache utility.
(Editor's note: a Usenet post by David A. Newman states that board revision
2.4 is the most current, with 2.3 and 2.2 also available. Revision 2.2
boards under serial number 31001650 may require a patch by Phase 5 Germany
to work with a Broadcaster Elite or DBC32. Use with a 68060 may require a
new ROM from Phase 5.)
See also: MultiFace and FastLane Problems
Board Layout
| ------------------- ------------------- |___
| ------------------- ------------------- CONFIG |
| Memory bank 4 Memory bank 4 ::::: |
|CPS ------------------- ------------------- 43210 |::|#
|: ------------------- ------------------- |::|#
|:: Memory bank 3 Memory bank 3 |::|# External
| ------------------- ------------------- |::|# SCSI
| ------------------- ------------------- |::|# port
| Memory bank 2 Memory bank 2 |::|# (Centronics)
|RSIZ ------------------- ------------------- |::|#
|:::: ------------------- ------------------- RAMSPD |::|#
|:: Memory bank 1 Memory bank 1 :::::: ^^ |#
|||||||||||||||||||||||||| || |
|Internal SCSI
Terminator SIPs
CONFIG: SCSI Device Configuration Jumpers
0 - Debug mode open default
1 - Reserved open default
2 - Slow inquiry mode. open default
closed Lengthens time to wait for device response.
Used with older drives.
3 - Slow cable mode open default
closed Only if transmission problems occur with
cables that are longer than 5M.
4 - Syncron Auto-enable open Z3 examines RDB information on SCSI disks to
closed determine whether to operate in Synchronous
mode. This jumper is closed by default.
RAMSPD: RAM Speed And Bank Size Jumpers
This jumper block allows speed settings to be set (40, 60, 80 & 100ns). The
40ns setting is currently not supported.
The two right-hand jumpers are used for memory configurations, which are
detailed below.
o o o o o o
o o o o o o
^ ^ ^ ^
| | | |
| | | 100ns
| | |
| | 80ns (default)
| |
| 60ns
It is possible to use 70 ns SIMMS by setting the jumper to 60 ns. It can be
dropped back to 80 ns if problems arise due to the tolerance levels of the
The 60 ns setting will provide memory speeds which are approx 95% of that
on the motherboard.
Memory Configurations
Standard 30-pin SIMMs are used, either 36-bit (PC) or 32-bit, so SIMMS
generally advertised as either 1Mx9 or 1Mx8 can be used. 4MB and 1MB SIMMS
can be mixed (see below) but not in the same bank.
Memory must be fitted in groups of four SIMMS to completely fill each bank,
and must be the same size in each bank, therefore the minimum configuration
for 1 bank would be 4MB (4x1MB SIMMS) and the maximum 16MB (4x4MB SIMMS)
An upgrade kit can be provided which will allow the use of 16MB SIMM
modules. However, once fitted, you can no longer use 1MB SIMMs, but you can
mix 4MB & 16MB.
Total --------Memory installed on------- Config
Memory Bank 1 Bank 2 Bank 3 Bank 4 Setting
4 4MB 1
8 4MB 4MB 1
12 4MB 4MB 4MB 1
16 4MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 1
16 16MB 2
20 16MB 4MB 2
24 16MB 4MB 4MB 2
28 16MB 4MB 4MB 4MB 2
32 16MB 16MB 3
36 16MB 16MB 4MB 3
40 16MB 16MB 4MB 4MB 3
48 16MB 16MB 16MB 4
64 16MB 16MB 16MB 16MB 5
CPS: Config Page Select jumpers
RSIZ: RAM size jumpers
These two jumper blocks determine the memory configuration. Each configuration
setting has been allocated a number on the chart above and are detailed below.
Setting 0: Memory off, or no memory fitted.
o o o o o o o
| | | | | |
o o o o o o o
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
| | | |
o o o o o o o o o o
CPS RAM size RAM speed
Setting 1: 4MB, 8MB, 12MB, 16MB exclusively with 1MB SIMMs
o o o o o o o
| | | | | |
o o o o o o o
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
| | | |
o o o o o o o o o o
CPS RAM size RAM speed
Setting 2: 16MB, 20MB, 24MB, 28MB with 1x4MB & 1MB combinations
o o o o o o o
| | | | | |
o o o o o o o
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
| | |
o o o o o o o o o o
CPS RAM size RAM speed
Setting 3: 32MB, 36MB, 40MB with 2x4MB & 1MB combinations
o o o o o o o
| | | | | |
o o o o o o o
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
| | |
o o o o o o o o o o
CPS RAM size RAM speed
Setting 4: 48MB with 3x4MB SIMMs
o o o o o o o
| | | | | |
o o o o o o o
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
| |
o o o o o o o o o o
CPS RAM size RAM speed
Setting 5: 64MB exclusively with 4MB SIMMs
o o o o o o o
| |
o o o o o o o
| |
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
| | | | | |
o o o o o o o o o o
CPS RAM size RAM speed
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