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People who have contributed information to this document, either directly
or by posting public Usenet or BBS messages that have revealed information
that was incorporated into this document:
Antony Alonso Kerry Gray Patrik Nordvall
Bruce Abbott Francois Groleau Daniel Oberlin
Ralph Babel Dave Haynie John Palmer
Chuck Baker Gregory Helleren Michael Perbix
Volker Barthelmann Gene Heskett Kenneth Perto
Gary Bates Scott Hood Troy Pladson
Bryan Beecher David Houlden Dave Platt
Rainer Benda Thomas Huber Kent Polk
Warren Block Kjell Irgens Thomas Radtke
Martin Blom Randell Jesup Mike Redrobe
Keith Burns Brian Jones Sean Riddle
Tom Conlin Dan Karlsson Rhett Rodewald
Randy Consemulder Oliver Kastl Greg Scott
Steve Crippen Larry Keller 0laf 'Rhialto' Seibert
John Crookshank John Kelly C. Deforrest Smith
Dale Currie Steve Kelsey Stephen Smith
Richard Davey Mario Kemper Jeroen Steenblik
Joachim Deussen Dr. Peter Kittel Ben Sutter
Ethan Dicks Paul Kolenbrander Derek Taylor
Joanne Dow Jeff Koons Barry Tigner
Stephen Dowdy Randy Kruszka Mitch Thompson
Jim Drew Christopher Laprise Calum Tsang
Peter Ducker Erik Lindberg Sami Waulu
Niklas Edmundsson Don Maddox Doug Warner
Jacob Ellis Scott Marlowe Matt Weatherford
Michael van Elst David Martin Thomas Weeks
Bob Emery Michael Martin Ulrich Weise
Bernd Ernesti Peter McGavin Lothar Werzinger
Jeff Gill Francesco Meani Phil Wright
Scott Goffman Gerry Murphy Heinz Wrobel
Denny Goodrich David A. Newman
I'd like to thank everyone for their graciousness in sharing this very
valuable information with the world, and in putting up with my seemingly
endless questions on the Amiga 4000. Thank you all!
Finally, a special note of thanks to Urban Müller and Fred Fish for the
vital services they provide.
Converted on 02 Jun 1997 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.