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Connecting VGA Monitors
VGA monitors can be connected to the A4000; however, since the special
circuitry in the Amiga video output can mistakenly identify a monitor as a
genlock and thus cause problems, a special cable or adapter is the best way
to hook them up. All this cable really does is buffer the horizontal and
vertical sync signals by double-inverting them through a TTL gate.
Commodore's DB23-to-HDD15 adapter (supplied with most A4000s) used a
74HCT08 for this, but you can use a 74LS04 or other low-power TTL-level
inverters (or other gates wired as inverters, of course).
Remember that most VGA monitors won't sync at 15.75 kHz, so you'll have to
set the A4000 to use the Double NTSC (or Double PAL) or Multiscan video
modes. Even using these modes, the video output may not work with some VGA
monitors, since some of the modes use horizontal sync frequencies as low as
23 kHz, and normal VGA starts at 31.5 kHz. Using the VGAOnly monitor driver
will bump these frequencies up a bit, perhaps enough to make them usable
with picky monitors.
A4000 VGA Video Cable
A4000 DB23 VGA HDD15
Red (Pin 3) ----------------------------------- Red (Pin 1)
Green (Pin 4) ----------------------------------- Green (Pin 2)
Blue (Pin 5) ----------------------------------- Blue (Pin 3)
Grounds (Pin 16-20) ----------------------------- Grounds (Pin 5-8,10,11)
and ground for inverter.
Also use a .01 uF ceramic
decoupling cap between
+5V and ground at the
chip power supply pins.
|\ |\
Horizontal Sync (Pin 11) ----| >o---| >o--------- Horizontal Sync (Pin 13)
|/ |/
|\ |\
Vertical Sync (Pin 12) ------| >o---| >o--------- Vertical Sync (Pin 14)
|/ |/
+5V (Pin 23) ------------------------------------ Power supply for
inverter chip.
Converted on 02 Jun 1997 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.