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Ariadne Reference
The Ariadne is a combination Ethernet and parallel port board. Physically,
it is a 3/4 length card, with BNC and RJ45 connectors for 10BASE-2 and
10BASE-T Ethernet connections, and a female DB25 parallel port connector.
An internal 26-pin header provides a connection for a second parallel port,
and four LEDs display connection information.
By default, the Ariadne auto-selects the type of Ethernet media based on
what is attached. This can be overridden by setting an environment variable
called Sana2/ariadne0.config to the preferred value (10BASET or 10BASE2).
For example, to force the Ariadne to use the 10BASE-T connection:
setenv Sana2/ariadne0.config 10BASET
Remember that environment variables will only be saved if they are copied
to the ENVARC: logical device.
The Ariadne software claims to support up to ten Ariadne boards in one
Amiga (although which Amiga has this many slots remains unclear). Software
is also provided to redirect printing to the Ariadne parallel ports.
Board Layout
| Parallel Port 2 1234 1 _____ |___
| ############ OOOO ::: | | |
| JP1 .. 1 LEDs LED |EPROM| |#
| Boot Connector| | |# DB25
| | | |# Parallel
| |_____| |# Port 1
| |#
| |
| #| RJ45
| #| 10BASE-T
| |_
| |_| BNC
|_____________________________________________________________| 10BASE-2
||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |
JP1: Enable Boot ROM?
Off: Set to disable autobooting (default).
On: Set to enable autobooting from an on-board EPROM.
LED Connector (6-pin header)
Pin 1: (LED 1) Twisted pair MAU link status
Pin 2: (LED 2) Transmit status
Pin 3: +5V
Pin 4: (LED 3) Collision
Pin 5: +5V
Pin 6: (LED 4) Receive status
Parallel Port 2 (26-pin header)
Note that these connections are set up for use of a standard 26-pin
header to a DB25 female mounted on a slot cover. This should be a
standard part, but check connections before using it.
Pin 1: *Strobe
Pin 2: +5V Pull Up (Current limit unknown on Ariadne, normally 10 mA.)
Pin 3: Data 0
Pin 4: Unused
Pin 5: Data 1
Pin 6: *Reset
Pin 7: Data 2
Pin 8: Ground (Do not connect any of these grounds to a shield.)
Pin 9: Data 3
Pin 10: Ground
Pin 11: Data 4
Pin 12: Ground
Pin 13: Data 5
Pin 14: Ground
Pin 15: Data 6
Pin 16: Ground
Pin 17: Data 7
Pin 18: Ground
Pin 19: *Acknowledge
Pin 20: Ground
Pin 21: Busy
Pin 22: Ground
Pin 23: Paper Out
Pin 24: Ground
Pin 25: Select
Pin 26: Unused
Parallel Port 1 (DB25 Female)
Parallel Port 2 (DB25 Female when connected)
Both Ariadne parallel ports have the same pin-out as the standard A4000
parallel port. See Connector Pin-Outs/Parallel Port Pin-Outs.
Converted on 02 Jun 1997 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.